miss arya is one of my best friends ever

arya also runs a radio show that i think you should tune into (link on the lefthand side). she always plays good music and its nice to hear her talk; i find it almost akin to hearing her chat in the car while listening to music which is one of the many special privileges of my life

Origin Story
arya and i met right before high school in a typing class over the summer when we were both 14. we made a really horrible parody video together and only god knows why she kept me around after that. anyways, we've been friends ever since then.
About Arya
arya is a beautiful, wonderful individual who currently resides in new yawk...
Arya Qualities
i think arya is really funny. this may be a controversial take because half of the things we say to each other are completely stupid, but i think it's funny, so thereforeeee.... i always enjoy hanging out with her. other than that, i have always thought of arya as very smart and talented, both academically and just generally. she's also a really great vocalist, though she doesn't sing much anymore. speaking of singing, arya has a great passion for music; she has a varied and dare i say.. Good taste in music. i always really enjoy what she puts on and she's introduced me to a lot of artists and songs i like.

Arya & Zach Reviews
almost every movie we've watched together.
when i actually code this you will be able to see the reviews in a marquee.
for now, here's a really long list.